Saturday, 30 April 2011

Reading registry from 64 bit application

I have been debugging one of my SL application developed in Win 7 VS2010 environment.  It was running fine in one of my colleague’s PC but it wasn’t working on my PC. That application was using a dll which does some cryptic work, I was able to locate the dll’s project and add it to SL solution so that I can debug into the project to see where it is failing. After some poking around, I found out that the program was reading HKLM\Software\Product key to get some data. I double checked my registry and the data exists so I ran again it still failed. The failure is not on reading the registry but the data from the registry which is used down the logic path. I double checked the key to make sure I am using the right key and it was right.

As would any normal programmer do next, I decided to change the value of the registry and see if it picks up the new value, to my surprise, the program did not pick up the new value.

With a couple of Google search I found out that, even if you pass the HKLM\Software\Product, when you run in 64 bit application, the program indeed was looking for HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Product. With that information, I changed the value in 64 bit registry entry and there is it, it picked up the correct value.

So just remember, if you are running a 64 bit application and even if you pass HKLM\Software\Product, the application will look for HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

SQL Server user defined function code for formatting numbers to have Comma seperator


SQL Server does't have any inbuild function to put thousand Comma sepeator. You can use the Below MS SQL server user function or Code for formatting Numeric Values to have Comma seperator.

View Optimal Alternate Approach

CREATE FUNCTION  NumberCommaFormat(@var DECIMAL(18,10) )

DECLARE @final_num VARCHAR(MAX)='' , @Output VARCHAR(MAX)='' 
DECLARE @some_char VARCHAR(MAX) = @var
SET @decimal= SUBSTRING(@some_char,CHARINDEX('.',@var ,1), LEN(@var) )

IF( SUBSTRING(@decimal,4,LEN(@decimal)) = '00000000' )


IF(@var > 1)
SELECT @num=SUBSTRING(@some_char, 1,CHARINDEX('.',@var ,1)-1 )

WHILE (@num >0 )

SET @rem = @num%1000

SET @final_num= ','+@rem +@final_num ;
SET @num =@num/1000
IF(@var > 1)
SET @Output= STUFF(@final_num,1,1,'') + @decimal

SET @Output= '0.'+ @decimal


RETURN (@Output);

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Visual Studio 2010 Debugging Tips

Today’s blog post covers some useful debugging tips that you can use with Visual Studio.  Hopefully this post will help you discover VS tdebugging Tricks, if you aren’t already taking advantage of them. They are all easy to learn, and can help save you a bunch of time.

Run to Cursor (Ctrl + F10)

Often I see people debugging applications by hitting a breakpoint early in their application, and then repeatedly using F10/F11 to step through their code until they reach the actual location they really want to investigate. In some cases they are carefully observing each statement they step over along the way (in which case using F10/F11 makes sense). Often, though, people are just trying to quickly advance to the line of code they really care about – in which case using F10/F11 isn’t the best way to do this.
Instead, you might want to take advantage of the “run to cursor” feature that the debugger supports. Simply position your cursor on the line in your code that you want to run the application to, and then press the Ctrl + F10 keys together. This will run the application to that line location and then break into the debugger – saving you from having to make multiple F10/F11 keystrokes to get there. This works even if the line of code you want to run to is in a separate method or class from the one you are currently debugging.

Conditional Breakpoints

Another common thing we often see in usability studies are cases where developers set breakpoints, run the application, try out some input, hit a breakpoint, and manually check if some condition is true before deciding to investigate further. If the scenario doesn’t match what they are after, they press F5 to continue the app, try out some other input, and repeat the process manually.
Visual Studio’s conditional breakpoint capability provides a much, much easier way to handle this. Conditional breakpoints allow you to break in the debugger only if some specific condition that you specify is met. They help you avoid having to manually inspect/resume your application, and can make the whole debugging process a lot less manual and tedious.
How to Enable a Conditional Breakpoint
Setting up a conditional breakpoint is really easy. Press F9 in your code to set a breakpoint on a particular line:
Then right-click on the breakpoint “red circle” on the left of the editor and select the “Condition…” context menu:
This will bring up a dialog that allows you indicate that the breakpoint should only be hit if some condition is true. For example, we could indicate that we only want to break in the debugger if the size of the local paginatedDinners list is less than 10 by writing the code expression below:
Now when I re-run the application and do a search, the debugger will only break if I perform a search that returns less than 10 dinners. If there are more than 10 dinners then the breakpoint won’t be hit.
Hit Count Feature
Sometimes you only want to break on a condition the Nth time it is true. For example: only break the 5th time less than 10 dinners is returned from a search.
You can enable this by right-clicking on a breakpoint and selecting the “Hit count…” menu command.
This will bring up a dialog that allows you to indicate that the breakpoint will only be hit the Nth time a condition is met, or every N times it is met, or every time after N occurrences:
Machine/Thread/Process Filtering
You can also right-click on a breakpoint and select the “Filter..” menu command to indicate that a breakpoint should only be hit if it occurs on a specific machine, or in a specific process, or on a specific thread.

TracePoints – Custom Actions When Hitting a BreakPoint

A debugging feature that a lot of people don’t know about is the ability to use TracePoints. A TracePoint is a breakpoint that has some custom action that triggers when the breakpoint is hit. This feature is particularly useful when you want to observe behavior within your application without breaking into the debugger.
I’m going to use a simple Console application to demonstrate how we might be able to take advantage of TracePoints. Below is a recursive implementation of the Fibonacci sequence:
In the application above, we are using Console.WriteLine() to output the final Fibonacci sequence value for a specific input. What if we wanted to observe the Fibonacci recursive sequence in action along the way within the debugger – without actually pausing the execution of it? TracePoints can help us easily do this.
Setting up a TracePoint
You can enable a TracePoint by using F9 to set a breakpoint on a line of code, and then right-click on the breakpoint and choose the “When Hit…” context menu command:
This will bring up the following dialog – which allows you to specify what should happen when the breakpoint is hit:
Above we’ve specified that we want to print a trace message anytime the breakpoint condition is met. Notice that we’ve specified that we want to output the value of the local variable “x” as part of the message. Local variables can be referenced using the {variableName} syntax. There are also built-in commands (like $CALLER, $CALLSTACK, $FUNCTION, etc) that can be used to output common values within your trace messages.
Above we’ve also checked the “continue execution” checkbox at the bottom – which indicates that we do not want the application to break in the debugger. Instead it will continue running – with the only difference being that our custom trace message will be output each time the breakpoint condition is met.
And now when we run the application, we’ll find that our custom trace messages automatically show up in the “output” window of Visual Studio – allowing us to follow the recursive behavior of the application:
You can alternatively wire-up a custom trace listener to your application - in which case the messages you print from your TracePoints will be piped to it instead of the VS output window.

TracePoints – Running a Custom Macro

In a talk I gave last week in London, someone in the audience asked whether it was possible to automatically output all of the local variables when a TracePoint was hit.
This capability isn’t built-in to Visual Studio – but can be enabled by writing a custom Macro in Visual Studio, and then wiring up a TracePoint to call the Macro when it is hit. To enable this, open up the Macros IDE within Visual Studio (Tools->Macros->Macros IDE menu command). Then under the MyMacros node in the project explorer, select a module or create a new one (for example: add one named “UsefulThings”). Then paste the following VB macro code into the module and save it:
Sub DumpLocals()

Dim outputWindow As EnvDTE.OutputWindow

outputWindow = DTE.Windows.Item(EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindOutput).Object

Dim currentStackFrame As EnvDTE.StackFrame

currentStackFrame = DTE.Debugger.CurrentStackFrame

outputWindow.ActivePane.OutputString("*Dumping Local Variables*" + vbCrLf)

For Each exp As EnvDTE.Expression In currentStackFrame.Locals

outputWindow.ActivePane.OutputString(exp.Name + " = " + exp.Value.ToString() + vbCrLf)


End Sub

The above macro code loops through the current stack frame and dumps all local variables to the output window.

Using our custom DumpLocals Custom Macro
We can then take advantage of our custom “DumpLocals” macro using the simple addition application below:
We’ll use F9 to set a breakpoint on the return statement within our “Add” method above. We’ll then right-click on the breakpoint and select the “When hit” menu command:
This will bring up the following dialog. Unlike before where we used the “Print a message” checkbox option and manually specified the variables we wanted to output, this time we’ll instead select the “Run a macro” checkbox and point to the custom UsefulThings.DumpLocals macro we created above:
We’ll keep the “continue execution” checkbox selected so that the program will continue running even when our TracePoints are hit.
Running the Application
And now when we press F5 and run the application, we’ll see the following output show up in the Visual Studio “output” window when our Add method is invoked. Note how the macro is automatically listing the name and value of each local variable when the TracePoint is hit:


The Visual Studio debugger is incredibly rich. I highly recommend setting aside some time to really learn all of its features. The above tips and tricks are but a few of the many features it provides that most people are actually unaware of.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Generating PDF or Excel or Image reports programmatically(C#, VB, .Net Same code can be Changed) using SQL Server Reporting Services in C#


SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 2005 is the latest version of the reporting technology from Microsoft. This article explains a way to create PDF reports programmatically using web services exposed by SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 in C#.

Using the code

First create a report which accepts boolean as its input parameter, and deploy that to the reporting server. The code below explains how to render the report in PDF format programmatically, using C#.
  • Step 1: Create and deploy the report.
  • Step 2: Add a web reference to the web services exposed by Reporting Services 2005, i.e., ReportExecution2005 and ReportService2005.
  • Step 3: Declare the following variables:
    private rs2005.ReportingService2005 rs;
    private rsExecService.ReportExecutionService rsExec;
  • Step 4: Initialize the web services and set the authentication for the web services.
    // Create a new proxy to the web service
    rs = new rs2005.ReportingService2005();
    rsExec = new rsExecService.ReportExecutionService();
    // Authenticate to the Web service using Windows credentials
    rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
    rsExec.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
    // Assign the URL of the Web service
    rs.Url = http://yourSSRSserver/ReportServer + 
    rsExec.Url = http://yourSSRSserver/ReportServer + 
  • Step 5: Write code to render the report in PDF format.
    // Prepare Render arguments
    string historyID = null;
    string deviceInfo = null;
    string format = "PDF";
    Byte[] results;
    string encoding = String.Empty;
    string mimeType = String.Empty;
    string extension = String.Empty;
    rsExecService.Warning[] warnings = null;
    string[] streamIDs = null;
    // Default Path;
    string fileName = @"c:\samplereport.pdf";
    // Define variables needed for GetParameters() method
    // Get the report name
    string _reportName = @"/MyReports/Report";
    string _historyID = null;
    bool _forRendering = false;
    ParameterValue[] _values = null;
    DataSourceCredentials[] _credentials = null;
    ReportParameter[] _parameters = null;
      // Get if any parameters needed.
      _parameters = rs.GetReportParameters(_report, _historyID, 
                    _forRendering, _values, _credentials);
      // Load the selected report.
      rsExecService.ExecutionInfo ei = 
            rsExec.LoadReport(_reportName, historyID);
      // Prepare report parameter.
      // Set the parameters for the report needed.
      rsExecService.ParameterValue[] parameters = 
             new rsExecService.ParameterValue[1];
      // Place to include the parameter.
      if (_parameters.Length > 0 )
        parameters[0] = new rsExecService.ParameterValue();
        parameters[0].Label = "verzamelgroepAP";
        parameters[0].Name = "verzamelgroepAP";
        parameters[0].Value = "true";
      rsExec.SetExecutionParameters(parameters, "en-us");
      results = rsExec.Render(format, deviceInfo, 
                out extension, out encoding,
                out mimeType, out warnings, out streamIDs);
      // Create a file stream and write the report to it
      using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite(fileName))
        stream.Write(results, 0, results.Length);
    catch (Exception ex)
      MessageBox.Show( ex.Message);

For generating Other Report Formats(Eg: Excel, Images etc) one can simply change the beow code
string format = "PDF";

string fileName = @"c:\samplereport.pdf";